Eternal Truths of Voiceover
Oct 05, 2020Hello my dear voiceover colleagues. Welcome. And thank you for joining me here on yet another social media platform: The blog.
Some of you may know that through the course of my voiceover career, I've also been a writer. However, I've never written about voiceover, preferring instead to write poems, collections, short pieces, and the like. Well, we're well over 6 months into COVID realities and I'm all poem-ed out. It's time to do something new, something pithy, something helpful for the community I work in and love. So, to begin this blog, over the next weeks and months I'm going to share with you some of the eternal truths and insights I've gleaned over these last ... ahem... 3 decades in the magical world of voiceover. Now, my experience is just that. My experience. Make of it what you will. Take it or leave it. Actually, I hope you take it - if only for the sake of my having been around as long as I have. Surely I have a VoiceOver leg to stand on. ;-)
The voiceover community, as I've experienced it in Los Angeles, has always been a lovely place, full of lovely people on both sides of the glass, as they say. And as it has grown... and grown... and grown... and morphed and morphed and morphed and spread across the plains into every corner of the country and extended around the world, even as it has spilled over and through the interwebs by which we all now connect, I am grateful for every day, month, and year that spirit of loveliness remains. And yet, there've always been those - how shall I say it - whose etiquette falls short of common decency, who unwittingly step on others, and who suck up all the oxygen - even in the virtual chat room. It's exhausting to witness, even online. The percentage who blather and bloviate their way unawares through the voiceover landscape is small, thank goodness. But the truth is, the more common it becomes, the more susceptible each of us is to joining the antics.
Consider this little blog my contribution toward keeping our collective loveliness alive, and all of us happy and behaving well with each other and with our clients. Yes. At least as it concerns this blog, consider me the new (okay, old) Emily Post of Voiceover (look her up, young'uns.) These are interesting times we're living in, temperatures are getting hotter and so are tempers. We do crazy things to bring attention to ourselves and say things in the Twitterverse and beyond we would never say in person. It's important we keep our heads about us. At least for the sake of our careers, if not our mortal souls.
I hope it's clear joviality will be a part of this ongoing offering. We're all in need of a little more lightheartedness, I think. If you don't, shake it off, my darlings. You might need a cocktail.
I hope you glean something valuable from these posts in the weeks and months ahead, just as I have gleaned so much of value from my remarkable peers and predecessors in the wonderful world of voiceover in which we're all so fortunate to work.
Now, what did Bette Davis say in "All About Eve?" ;-)
I'd love to keep in touch!
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